Mixed Seed: As It Was In The Days of Noah

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(Part #1 of a 3-Part Series – with How To Spot The Decoys In Your Midst and Beware The Religious Spirits)

This monograph has been five years in the making, inspired by a disturbing dream I was shown in 2015.

It describes THE cornerstone marker of the End Times and shows that right now we are living in the days Jesus talked about in Matthew 25 and Luke 17 describing what life would be like just prior to His return.

Though the monograph reveals the doors we (as a nation) have opened, which – if not closed – could occasion the "Fall of America," mine is not a message of doom. On the contrary, when we see the present through a biblical lens, fear finds no place because we have been prepared for the wonder that lies ahead.

If you do not feel prepared, please read this monograph!

My goal is to provide a clear biblical lens for those seeking to grow closer to God. His heart is to awaken, instruct, prepare and comfort.

Here's what's inside:

  • The dream itself and its interpretation based on Hebraic interpretation principles.
  • The three doors we opened that turned the tide toward America's fall.
  • How we are fulfilling prophecies from the book of Daniel and from Jesus Himself.
  • Warnings for America: Have we reached a point of no return?
  • The 7 things we can do to stay safe.
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