Session #3: Your Messaging

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This session is critically important in differentiating yourself from all the other people out there who are trying to launch their business, ministry or product. It takes time to find the right words (messaging) in order to properly niche yourself properly in the market.

I had a marketing agency for close to 30 years serving small to mid-size companies. I am still actively engaged in consulting work. My specialty is helping entrepreneurs and companies articulate the essence of who they are and niche them in the market. Mine is a very specialized form of business communications - because it is very difficult for most people to describe the core of who they are in a short paragraph. That's why these two teachings on Messaging and Branding are so important - no matter where you are in your journey.

I have been honored by many awards for my work with clients and take very seriously the calling God has given each one to fulfill what He put them on earth to do.

If you sincerely do the work outlined in this series, you will save thousands of dollars. How? I am passing on to you what it took me years and great expense to learn.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • See the track record of your gifts in operation.
  • How to formulate your messaging.
  • How to identify your target market(s).

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