Session #1: Your Wiring

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Product Details

The first session introduces you to important concepts involved with discovering what you were created to be. It will answer the question, "Does everyone have a calling?"

You'll learn:

  • How you are wired.
  • That you were created for a specific purpose.
  • How to "name your seed."

During the 9/11 crisis, I was embarked on the biggest venture of my life...only to end up almost losing everything. I was utterly broken…and broke. I went into a 3-year "wilderness" period intently seeking answers from God. I would not leave Him until He showed me why He had allowed my life to "tank." What I learned during those 3 years changed my life and serves as the core curriculum for these first two sessions on "Calling."

I will give you tools that will help you sift through the scenes of your life. What you'll be looking for are the God-threads that weave throughout the many gifts, talents, anointings, strengths and motivational patterns that have shown up at different stages of your life.

Get ready for an exciting ride of self-discovery! I encourage you to have a paper and pen handy and write down the memories that I believe will surface during each of these modules.

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