Understand the times we live in.


Candace Long, End Times Navigator
Has been studying the biblical signs of the end of days for over 30 years. When she realized we are actually living in these times, she began an increasingly popular radio show that draws listeners all over the world. Each program represents months and even years of research giving you astute commentary on current affairs in light of God’s biblical timetable.
In 2012, God called Candace to learn to fly in her 60’s. At the time, she didn’t understand why. Over the years, she developed her navigational skills and finally earned the coveted Instrument rating – meaning she is licensed to fly through clouds. She explains, “This training prepared me to teach others how to navigate when we can’t see the way – using spiritual gauges and navigational instruments most Christians don’t even know about. God has given us clear biblical signs as beacons so that we can land safely in the Kingdom.”
At the core of her teaching is that we are living in the midst of a paradigm shift: from the Church Age … to the Kingdom Age. Her goal for each show is to offer listeners a calm place of refuge as well as a unique biblical lens through which to see God’s narrow path to the Kingdom clearly. Each on-air program may be part of a series, but you have access to all of her programs 24/7 at Lessons in the Ladder Days.
I am here to help guide you to personal and spiritual breakthrough.
After 50 years of accomplishments in the Arts, Business and Media Sectors, Candace Long is emerging as one of today’s most thought-provoking teachers on the end of days.
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